Creating a strategy for attracting families

Your team must consider a strategy for attracting families. Quite simply: without students, the school will not get the funding it needs to remain open.

Questions your team should ask:

  • How will families learn about the school?
  • Why will families want their children to attend the school?
  • Does your school meet an unmet need that will attract families?
  • Does the location of your school matter to the families you seek to serve?
  • How will you advertise your school?
  • How many families does your team need to attract in order for the school to be financially sustainable?
  • How do you plan to continue to attract families, even after the school opens?


Creating a strategy for attracting families

Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy: Creating a Teacher-Powered School for Diverse Learners

Report. MSLA teachers share their approach to recruiting families to their teacher-powered school.

Trusting Teachers with School Success: What Happens When Teachers Call the Shots Chapter, 6 (pp. 79-86)

Book. Chapter 6 describes how teacher-powered schools attract conventional students as well as student populations who seek learning programs with more potential for individualization.

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