Guide: Steps to Creating a Teacher-Powered School
Table of Contents
Jump in using the links below, or read more about this guide and how to use it and an overview of each of the five stages below.
Stage One: Forming
- Learning about teacher-powered schools
- Finding inspiration and motivation for work
- Building a team
- Developing a 30,000-foot vision
Stage Two: Storming
- Developing a design team
- Determining a collaborative leadership model
- Designing how students will learn
- Deciding how teachers will collegially manage the school
- Creating a high-performance culture
- Developing a shared purpose
- Deciding whether to formally organize the teacher team
- Determining an approach to teacher evaluation and tenure
- Ensuring the teacher-powered team is a community of learners
- Defining budgeting processes and priorities
- Creating a strategy for attracting families
- Seeking external support
- Pursuing autonomy and approval for your teacher-powered school
Stage Three: Norming
- Developing personnel processes
- Improving how your team’s shared purpose is used in decision making
- Cultivating skills and dispositions for evaluating colleagues
- Refining skills for working in a collaborative leadership model
- Creating and refining a process for assessing school performance
- Learning skills for working unconventionally
Stage Four: Performing
- Bringing new team members into the existing culture
- Planning for changes in leadership
- Assessing whole school performance for continuous improvement