Standalone Schools

Individual schools in this group include:

Exploration High School

Exploration High School (ExHS) – a public school for public good – is led by students, powered by teachers, and rooted in community. Their learner-centered model builds learning into every […]

Anthony Acres School

Anthony Acres is a public charter school through the School District of Mondovi on a 34 acre wooded property on Hwy 37. Our school provides a place-based education through a […]

West Hawaii Exploration Academy

Our Vision and Mission revolve around the cultivation of capable critical thinkers who can solve real problems. It is our investment in student empowerment that will lead to this accomplishment. […]

Milestone Democratic School

Milestone Democratic School is designed by youth for youth. We welcome all, and especially learners who believe in democracy. We create deep learning about this world, and aim to create […]

Living School

Living School cultivates equity by nurturing students to do work that improves their lives, communities, and environment through holistic health, citizenship, & entrepreneurship.

Sugar Maple Nature School

Situated on 379 acres of restored prairies, woods, and wetlands at Riveredge Nature Center near Newburg, Wisconsin, the Riveredge School is a tuition-free, public elementary charter school authorized by the […]

High School for Recording Arts

HSRA is a project-based, public charter school that operates within and around a professional recording studio. Students earn time in the studio by completing academic projects in the core learning […]

Prairie Creek Community School

We believe as John Dewey did that students construct their skilled understanding of the world from genuine experiences. They learn math as they run a bodega or quantify the day’s […]

Souderton Charter School Collaborative

Founded in September 2000, SCSC is a learning environment that values and nurtures every child as an individual. Together, parents and faculty develop an individualized learning program to fully develop […]

Francine Delany New School

Francine Delany New School for Children believes that students learn best when they are actively engaged in an experientially rich, hands-on program of study in classrooms that serve as working […]

Augsburg Fairview Academy

Augsburg Fairview Academy offers a teen-friendly, and family-friendly, atmosphere in which students are deeply respected and everyone is held to a high standard of personal honor. Students find their place […]

Animas High School

Animas High School prepares all students for college and post-secondary success by creating critical thinkers and engaged citizens through an innovative, student-centered, project-based curriculum. Rigorous academics, where all students are […]

Santa Barbara Charter

The Santa Barbara Charter School is a parent/staff cooperative with a child-centered approach to education. The school’s curriculum is based on the Common Core State Standards. Elements of Waldorf, Montessori, […]

Shasta Charter Academy

Description of learning program: At SCA, learning is personalized for each student’s learning needs, based on connecting his or her interests, life values, learning styles, strengths, and career and educational […]

Southwest Baltimore Charter School

The following tenets have guided our development of curricula and school culture: Differentiated Instruction – a philosophy of teaching that aims to meet each child where he or she is […]

Renaissance Charter School

Renaissance has been a leader in national education through its example, outreach and collaboration. It regularly collaborates, via school consortiums, federal grants and through nationwide conferences. As a leader in […]

Wildlands Charter School

A learning community of scientists—students, teachers, and community experts working on a wide range of projects focused on an even wider range of topics. Our science school is a Wisconsin […]

Monarch Community School

Monarch believes that learning happens best when all are working together, (students, teachers, and parents), to develop a rich learning environment spanning home, school, and the greater community. They are […]

Independence School Local 1

Independence School Local 1 is organized around experiential learning through internships and field-based projects and around the natural consequences that come from real world feedback on your actions. Teachers and […]

Laurel Tree Charter

Laurel Tree Charter School is family-style schooling. We are a small, intimate group of people working and learning together. The entire staff works and plans together for the school as […]

Ember Charter Schools

We use our Teaching Firm, a unique teacher-led organizational model, to be a fun, holistic, ‘college-successful’, career-ready, community-centered, culturally rich and relevant incubator of exceptional human potential where we spark, […]

Chrysalis Charter

Chrysalis offers a unique program that emphasizes direct interaction with the world rather than a textbook approach. It blends regular classroom instruction with options classes, service opportunities, and natural sciences […]

Explore Knowledge Academy ES

The school’s mission is “personalized learning through educational discovery: building 21st century leaders; one project at a time.” Students complete projects in which they incorporate the curriculum standards for the […]

Highline Academy Southeast

Highline offers a standards-based educational program to all students. We begin with the end in mind; what should students know, understand, and be able to do. Then we draw upon […]

Discovery Charter II

Discovery Charter Schools’ educational program is developmental, hands-on, student-centered, and theme-based to accommodate individual learning styles and achievement levels. Teacher-directed parent participation in the classrooms on a regular basis is […]

Denver Green School Southeast

DGS is a Neighborhood Innovation School—meaning we implement our own unique program design, approved through a rigorous process by the Denver School Board. Our emphasis on project-based learning allows teachers […]

ConneXions- A Community Based Arts School

The typical ConneXions community member, whether student or staff, is a creative, thoughtful, independent thinker, engaged in learning and willing to be a positive member of the community.

Northwest Passage High School

Our curriculum combines advisory, inquiry driven project based learning, interdisciplinary seminars and expeditions. We strive to teach students to become independent learners with the skills to be successful in the […]

Minnesota Online High School (MNOHS)

MNOHS is an accredited online high school that focuses on building significant learning relationships among students, teachers, staff, and families. MNOHS has developed a unique community school model which uses […]