ConneXions- A Community Based Arts School
Basic Profile
Opened In 2006
Grades 6-12
Geography Urban
Type Chartered
Program Determine learning program
Set school-level policy
Determine professional development
Determine authorizer assessments
Determine state assessments
Personnel Select colleagues
Evaluate colleagues
Transfer or terminate colleagues
Determine tenure policy
Select leaders
Administrative Determine school budget
Set staff pattern
Determine compensation
Determine teacher workday
Set schedule
Teacher Authority Is...
De Jure and De Facto
De jure the teachers’ autonomy is written into the school’s charter, which was approved by the district. In the area of selecting leaders, the school’s board has de jure authority. De facto, teachers select leaders and board approves. In the areas of transferring or terminating colleagues and evaluating colleagues, a teacher with an administrative credential has de jure authority. De facto, teachers make decisions in these areas and the administrator approves.
About the Learning Program
The typical ConneXions community member, whether student or staff, is a creative, thoughtful, independent thinker, engaged in learning and willing to be a positive member of the community.