Other Belmont, Kennedy, & Sotomayor Zone of Choice Schools Overview List of Schools Groups of Schools Autonomies Add a School Other Belmont, Kennedy, & Sotomayor Zone of Choice Schools - CA - http://www.lausd.net/District_4/belmontzoneofchoice.html Type of autonomy arrangement: Pilot Schools Basic Profile Opened InNA GradesUnknown GeographyUnknown TypeDistrict Autonomies Program Determine learning program Set school-level policy Determine professional development Determine authorizer assessments Determine state assessments Personnel Select colleagues Evaluate colleagues Transfer or terminate colleagues Determine tenure policy Select leaders Administrative Determine school budget Set staff pattern Determine compensation Determine teacher workday Set schedule Teacher Authority Is... De Jure and De Facto De jure governing boards of Belmont Pilot Schools have authority via MOUs that each school has with the Los Angeles Unified School District, school board, and teacher union (UTLA). In some schools, governing board retains some authority, but de facto teachers make some decisions. Authority arrangements for the Kennedy and Sotomayor Zone of Choice are unknown. About the Learning Program