New Century Academy Overview List of Schools Groups of Schools Autonomies Add a School New Century Academy 1000 5th Ave SE - Hutchinson MN - 55350 Type of autonomy arrangement: Charter-TPP Contract Basic Profile Opened In2002 Grades7-12 EnvironmentSuburban TypeChartered Autonomies Program Determine learning program Set school-level policy Determine professional development Determine authorizer assessments Determine state assessments Personnel Select colleagues Evaluate colleagues Transfer or terminate colleagues Determine tenure policy Select leaders Administrative Determine school budget Set staff pattern Determine compensation Determine teacher workday Set schedule Teacher Authority Is... De Jure The school’s board contracts with EdVisions Coop, which delegates authority granted in the contract to a site team of teachers at the school. About the Learning Program Mission is to engage students in critical thinking and teamwork that empowers them toward life-long learning and global citizenship.