El Puente High School

1127 South 35th Street - Milwaukee WI - 53215
Type of autonomy arrangement: School-Based Option
Basic Profile

Opened In







District - Alternative


Determine learning program
Set school-level policy
Determine professional development
Determine authorizer assessments
Determine state assessments


Select colleagues
Evaluate colleagues
Transfer or terminate colleagues
Determine tenure policy
Select leaders


Determine school budget
Set staff pattern
Determine compensation
Determine teacher workday
Set schedule
Teacher Authority Is...
De Jure and De Facto

El Puente operates a full-day program leading to a diploma for students whose families are eligible to participate in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. They are also part of TransCenter for Youth network of small schools which provides operating support.

About the Learning Program

Our Mission

El Puente High School is committed to providing a small, safe, and nurturing learning environment in which students focus on becoming contributing members of society. We believe that a solid and well-rounded academic education is the essential cornerstone in building a successful future for each of our students.

Our Vision

We envision providing students a rigorous and relevant curriculum with nurturing and safe relationships with staff.

Our Story

El Puente High School for Science, Math, and Technology was founded in 1997 with a math and science emphasis to provide hands-on, project-based learning. We operates a full-day program leading to a diploma for students whose families are eligible to participate in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Students are exposed to a variety of colleges and work training programs.