What does your team do that every teacher-powered school ought to know about? Let us know.

  • Proposals due March 15
  • Sessions announced in April

We are looking for interactive, engaging, joyful session proposals from current teacher-powered practitioners. Ideal sessions cover the innovative ways teacher-powered governance has transformed teaching, learning, and leading at your school—for educators and students.

Sessions should be designed from a “how-to” perspective and focus on teacher-powered and student-centered design, principles, practices, structures, autonomies, and innovations. We encourage multiple schools to present together.

Conference presenters must be teacher-powered practitioners or those supporting teacher-powered teams. We need a diverse group of teacher leaders, educators, and students to share their knowledge and experience. Students are encouraged to join as co-presenters, in-person or virtually.

Designed to share knowledge and best practices. Proposals must outline the topic, its relevance to teacher-powered schools, and a detailed description of how presenters will use the time.

A smaller crop of sessions, for participants wanting to learn more, engage with tools, and practice new skills. Proposals must share how presenters will make the session interactive and engaging over the two-hour duration.

Focused on ways teacher-powered schools have designed joyful, student-centered learning programs and environments that allow students and educators to be successful.

  • Potential topics: Increasing student voice and agency, expanding definitions of student success, leveraging autonomy in data and evaluation, improving working conditions for educators, redesigning educator roles and responsibilities, educator and student wellness

Focused on ways educators, school communities, districts, unions, networks, authorizers, and education organizations share power to support system changing work happening in teacher-powered schools.

  • Potential topics: Leveraging innovative education policy, securing protected and interlocking autonomies, building a supportive ecosystem, pathways of school design and development, building collective efficacy, shifting mindsets

Focused on innovative ways teacher-powered teams use their autonomies, structures, and collaborative leadership practices to govern their schools over many years.

  • Potential topics: Onboarding new colleagues, advocating for your model, activating community partners and families, leadership capacity building, leadership transition planning, building allies in your district and authorizer, navigating conflicts

In the past, we have separated attendees based on what stage of their teacher-powered journey they are on. Not this year. We have learned that our sessions apply to all educators and teams, at a variety of stages, because the cycles of improvement require everyone to revisit the basics of autonomies and practices—and hear ideas that push our knowledge of what we know is possible.

Presenters receive 50% off registration pricing (up to 2 per session; or, with sessions where multiple schools are presenting, 1 per school)

Please send supporting attachments or potential handouts to Zaynab Baalbaki at zaynab@teacherpowered.org.