The National Teacher-Powered Network connects schools, teachers, and their supporters who may not be located in an area with a regional network—and also helps to connect schools and teachers who are part of regional networks to their colleagues in other locations.

Why is the National Teacher-Powered Network worth your time?

  • Connecting: Grow personal relationships with educators implementing similar school designs, facing similar challenges, or serving similar students. Be part of a national movement to create student-centered schools, reimagine teaching and leading, and create ownership of your school’s purpose, decisions, and outcomes.
  • Professional learning: Access resources designed for collaborative decision-making and build leadership capacity within your teacher team. Get helpful feedback from peers at other schools on your learning and leadership models.
  • Storytelling: Hold up your work and get help telling your story, to your local families and community, and to broader audiences through our blog and other channels.
  • Encouragement: Be encouraged and enthusiastic for the great work you’re doing. You’re not in this alone!

Join the Network