What Could State Governors Do in order to Establish Legally Protected Zones of Professional Practice for Teachers?

What could state governors do in order to establish legally protected zones of professional practice for teachers?

Governor Jerry Brown said in his 2013 State of the State address that he’d like to make policy that trusts teachers, starting with a school finance plan will help move money to districts with fewer restrictions. But Charles T. Kerchner says that won’t go very far toward creating the kinds of jobs in which teachers have collective autonomy to make the decisions influencing school success.

What could Governor Brown, or any state governor, do in order to establish legally protected zones of professional practice for teachers? Kercher, a specialist in educational organizations, educational policy, and teachers unions, outlines several ideas in this compelling commentary published in EdSource.

To learn more about the single-purpose charter authorizers that Kerchner mentions, read this bill summary prepared by Borenstein and McVeigh Law Office LLC.

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