ESSER Hold’em for Districts
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Education Resource Strategies:
ESSER Hold’em is a modified version of Budget Hold’em for Districts that helps you plan, focus investments, and navigate tradeoffs in spending your ESSER dollars among the 5 Power Strategies we’ve identified. These five strategies address critical student needs now and lay a sustainable foundation for lasting improvement.
ESSER Hold’em encourages districts to move from default ways of investing to rich conversations about ESSER planning that inform investments and drive dramatic improvements in student learning.
Using ESSER Hold’em, you can focus on the important questions such as:
- How can we sustain the real change and innovation we’ve created?
- How best can my district spend an influx of dollars while also balancing that with the impending revenue cliff we’ll see in 2 years?
- How do we cut through the noise to focus on most important changes we need to make?