Interactive schedule available on Sched. Please go to the Sched page to sign up for activities and sessions.

Week 1: October 19–22

Monday, Oct 19
4:00–5:30 pm CT
“Our School, Our Community: Collective Action In These Revolutionary Times” keynote by Haben Ghebregergish, Tony Simmons, and Walter Cortina

Virtual kickoff keynote address and a design thinking activity.

Tuesday, Oct 20
2:00 pm CT
Teacher-Powered 101 workshop

For those new to teacher-powered. Workshop will be recorded and available to all attendees. Please sign up on the Sched link above for this workshop.

4:00–5:00 pm CT
Virtual get-to-know-you table groups.

Please sign up on the Sched link above for this activity and to be assigned a table group.

Led by Teacher-Powered Ambassadors.

Wednesday, Oct 21
8:00 am CT
Virtual school tours

Pre-recorded video tours accessible on-demand on the conference website.

Thursday, Oct 22
3:00–7:00 pm CT
Virtual school tour roundtables

Each host school will host a one-hour roundtable during the day for questions and discussion about their school.

Please sign up on the Sched link above for individual roundtables.

Week 2: October 26–29

Monday, Oct 26
3:00pm–5:30 pm CT
Breakout Sessions and Community Conversations

Multiple workshops and discussion groups will be offered with at least one for each teacher-powered stage (forming, storming, norming, transforming/performing, and supporting). Workshops will be recorded and available to all participants.

Please sign up on the Sched link above for individual workshops and community conversations.

Tuesday, Oct 27
4:00pm–6:30 pm CT
Breakout Sessions and Community Conversations

Multiple workshops and discussion groups will be offered with at least one for each teacher-powered stage (forming, storming, norming, transforming/performing, and supporting). Workshops will be recorded and available to all participants.

Please sign up on the Sched link above for individual workshops and community conversations.

Wednesday, Oct 28
2:00pm–4:30 pm CT
Breakout Sessions and Community Conversations

Multiple workshops and discussion groups will be offered with at least one for each teacher-powered stage (forming, storming, norming, transforming/performing, and supporting). Workshops will be recorded and available to all participants.

Please sign up on the Sched link above for individual workshops and community conversations.

Thursday, Oct 29
5:00–6:30 pm CT
“Reclaiming Power” keynote by Michelle King
Closing table groups, next steps activity & happy hour

An activity for all participants to move their teacher-powered journey forward.