Thank you for joining us in Boston to explore how teachers in schools across the country are using shared leadership and collaborative decision making to design and run student-centered schools!
2018 conference stats:
320+ attendees — a SOLD OUT conference!
Attendees from 26 states + nine international guests.
Makeup of schools represented: 27% charter, 72% district, 1% independent.
15 university researchers.
55 teams with 33 in groups of four or more.
Attendees included teachers, principals, district administrators, national, state, and local union leaders, support organizations, and philanthropies.
Stay tuned for updates on the 2020 conference in Minneapolis.
What is Teacher-Powered All About?
Teacher-powered is about professionalizing teacher roles and moving school decisions and design closer to those who know the students best.
Who Should Attend The Conference?
Educators and supporters interested in teacher-powered practices and structures. Whether you are just learning about teacher-powered, or are a teacher-powered pioneer team, the conference is designed to give powerful learning to all educators at every stage.
See Teacher-Powered in Action
Join us for a day of pre-conference school tours and visit two teacher-powered schools.
Why is it worth our time and money?
Be part of an effort to reimagine education from the inside out. Use the conference to inspire and energize your team around collaborative leadership. Leave with tangible ideas and practices. Build relationships with educators from across the nation and be part of the growing teacher-powered network.
We’re Grateful to Our 2018 Conference Sponsors:
Photos and other videos may be taken and utilized during the conference. Please inform us in writing — to info@teacherpowered.org — before the conference if you DO NOT consent to your photo or video being utilized by the Teacher-Powered Schools Initiative in any public format.