A Split Screen Strategy: Creating the Capacity for Teachers to Innovate

Video • November 2012

A Minnesota teacher took initiative to reimagine what “school” could be. His students seem engaged, and are performing highly. But can his innovation spread in our current education system? Will it even survive? (13 minutes)

About the Film

Ananth Pai, an elementary teacher in Minnesota, found that educational video games work well to engage and motivate his students.

Mr. Pai has shown his innovation to school boards, administrators, curriculum designers, and others. But, he’s been met with apathy and disinterest.

In truth, this film isn’t about Mr. Pai, or his games. It’s about K-12’s resistance to change, and how to overcome it.

Could we open K-12 to innovations, like Mr. Pai’s?

About the “Split Screen Strategy”

This film suggests we open K-12 to innovation using a split screen strategy.

Create space for new and different schools to run alongside the traditional. Give teachers authority in exchange for accountability. Let them design learning programs that focus on motivation.

About Education Evolving

This film was produced by Education Evolving, a Minnesota-based education policy organization.

We focus on building capacity for innovation into K-12. Are you in? If so, please stay in touch: